West Coast Wellness

West Coast Wellness Blogs

  • The 5 Most Common Chiropractor FAQ’s

    As holistic healing and natural remedies are becoming more mainstream, chiropractors are also seeing a surge in new patients looking for alternative, safe treatments. But for those who have not already adopted chiropractic care into their health regimen, some questions remain.

    At West Coast Wellness, we are committed to your health and well-being. We are happy to answer any questions you may have in regards to the treatment you will receive at our offices. In the meantime, here are the answers to 5 commonly asked questions.

    Q: What type of education do chiropractors have?

    Doctors of chiropractic are primary-contact health care providers who have been put through a rigorous educational curriculum approved by the Council on Chiropractic Education and accredited by the U.S. Department of Education.

    Our course of study emphasizes the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the muscles, ligaments and joints of the spine and extremities, as well as the connecting nerves. (referred to as the  musculoskeletal system) Chiropractors have typically obtained four years of pre-medical undergraduate college education experience before going to chiropractic school; taking specialized courses in biology, chemistry, physics and psychology. Once at an accredited chiropractic college, they will study for up to 5 years, being educated in specialties such as orthopedics, physiology, anatomy, neurology, clinical diagnosis and diagnostic imaging. Doctors of chiropractic are also trained in exercise and nutrition. In total, a chiropractic student will experience in excess of 4,200 hours of classroom, lab and clinical experience before becoming a doctor.

    Q:  I’m nervous about being adjusted. What does that mean, exactly?

    A chiropractic adjustment is a manual procedure also known as manipulation. The doctor will use his hands or an instrument to manipulate the joints of the spine, with the goal of either restoring or increasing healthy joint function. Adjustments are controlled procedures that  help to alleviate joint inflammation and pain by addressing the source of the problem. Adjustments rarely cause any sort of discomfort, and procedures are adapted to meet the specific situation of each patient. The highly individualized approach often results in nearly instant relief.

    Q, But is an adjustment safe?

    Chiropractic care is a drug-free and non-invasive therapy, making it one of the safest forms of treatment available. Although no medical treatment is completely risk free, chiropractic options have a strong safety record and present minimal risk to the patient.Some patients may experience mild stiffness or soreness after an adjustment, much as they might feel after exercise – but this condition generally fades within 24 hours.

    Neck pain and headaches are typically treated through a neck adjustment, known as cervical manipulation. This procedure is meant to improve joint mobility and range of motion in the neck, which assists in alleviating pressure and tension. When performed by a well-educated doctor of chiropractic, a neck adjustment is considered a very safe procedure.

    Q: Do I need a referral from my physician to visit a chiropractor?

    Referrals are generally not required to visit a doctor of chiropractic, however, your health insurance policy may have rules regarding this issue. These days it is becoming increasingly common for insurance to cover chiropractic care, especially after a car accident or other trauma. Individuals should inquire of their insurance agent or HR department as to specifics.

    It should be noted that although chiropractors provide professional medical services, their rates are often well within an affordable range even for those without insurance. If you do not have insurance coverage, call us for more information as to how we can help.

    Q: I love my adjustments! Are they safe and beneficial for my children?

    Chiropractic care for children is not as common, but is growing in popularity. Children and teens can benefit greatly from the gentle treatments that address concerns ranging from sports accidents to pain after a fall. Obtaining chiropractic care for your children will help to alleviate issues before they become lifelong problems.

    Many people come to a chiropractor because they are experiencing pain from a car accident or pulled muscle – but continue to see the doctor long after the issue is resolved. This is because chiropractic care provides a natural and safe way to obtain and maintain overall health and vitality.
    Do you have more questions? Call West Coast Wellness today

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • What Is Spinal Subluxation

    Whether you have been in a car accident or your neck is in pain – there is a myriad of reasons why you have found yourself in a chiropractor’s office. If you are new to chiropractic care, you will most likely hear the term subluxation used in regards to your pain. 

    Simply put, subluxation refers to a joint that doesn’t work correctly, whether the range of movement is inhibited, or it is misaligned. The subluxation can cause pain, tingling, numbness, or burning in the area of the injury.

    Spinal subluxation affects the vertebrae of the spine and is one of the most common reasons for visits to a chiropractor. Still, a subluxation can also affect other joints in other parts of the body, such as feet, shoulders, ribs, or wrists.

    Spinal Subluxation

    Although all of the above joints can be subluxated, we will be concentrating on spinal subluxation in this blog. Here are some of the symptoms of this condition. 

    • The most recognizable symptom of a misaligned joint is pain. When dealing with the spine, you may experience back pain or a sore neck – or both at the same time. You may feel mild soreness, or the pain can be debilitating. If you have chronic pain in these areas, a misaligned spine may be the culprit.
    • A spinal subluxation can result in pressure or tension headaches. The headaches can arise quickly and with no warning, and can even progress to migraines. Migraine sufferers often find effective relief after seeking chiropractic care.
    • In serious cases, a misalignment of the spine can make it nearly impossible to move at all. Even if you can move, you may be very stiff, or not have your normal range of motion. If you are experiencing increased difficulty in performing everyday tasks, or if you have sudden difficulty moving – you may have a spinal subluxation.

    Did You Know? Many people walk away from a car accident, thinking they are fine. However, when they begin to exhibit symptoms weeks later, they don’t connect the accident with the pain. Spinal subluxation is a common result of a car accident.   

    What Causes Subluxation?

    A misaligned spine can occur for several reasons – trauma, such as a car accident or a slip and fall. But you may also be experiencing spinal subluxation because you routinely carry a heavy bag, or you sleep on your stomach. You may get subluxated from sitting for long periods in the same position – such as in front of a computer.

    There are other possible causes of the condition, such as a chemical imbalance— caused by any number of toxins found in air pollution, processed food, or chemicals in detergents and shampoos. When your body is not in a healthy balance, the muscles often contract, pulling on the spine and other bones.

    Another major cause of subluxation is stress, which causes tension in the back and neck. Stressed and tightened muscles can cause misalignment.

    If you are experiencing neck and back pain, you can try a few home remedies – such as stretching, ice packs, and de-stressing activities. However, you may wish to call a local North Port chiropractor right away. With same-day appointments, West Coast Wellness can help you to identify your issue and begin to fix it, fast. If you have suffered a fall or been in a car accident, don’t wait for the pain to start.

    Call West Coast Wellness today for your first appointment.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • What Is Scar Tissue?

    Scar tissue forms in our bodies when there has been an injury, and cells are destroyed. Scarring is a part of the body’s natural healing process, which can occur either on the skin’s surface or internally. The body rushes new cells to the site of the injury to replace the dead or damaged cells. Scar tissue acts as a protective barrier around the injured area, but it does not have the elasticity of normal tissue. When on the skin’s surface, it can cause cosmetic issues. But inside the body, scar tissue growth forms adhesions and fibrosis, which could cause medical issues.

    Healthy fibrous connective tissue is made mainly of collagen, and it supports the body’s structural integrity. This tissue also contains fibroblasts, which are the cells that form the collagen, as well as carbohydrates and water. Although scars are also made up of fibrous connective tissue, researchers have discovered that it differs slightly in arrangement from normal skin.

    What Causes Scar Tissue to Form Internally?

    When trauma occurs in the body, it can cause fibrous bands or sheets to form. Also known as adhesions, these bands grow as a reaction to inflammation and can begin to grow between and join parts of the body. Fibrosis is another variation of scar tissue and consists of the excess buildup of fibrous connective tissue. Scar tissue may grow with no known reason for its origination but is often in response to surgery, infection, or severe injury.

    Scar tissue often appears in organs such as in the lungs (pulmonary fibrosis) or the heart, which may be the result of a heart attack. Cirrhosis of the liver is a familiar example of normal tissue death being replaced by scar tissue due to abuse or infection. In the case of a back injury, scar tissue often forms and can inhibit movement, cause pain, and disrupt the correct functioning of the nervous system.

    Side Effects

    Adhesions may not have symptoms, but in the case of a back injury, the patient will often experience decreased movement or pain. Although adhesions may be removed surgically, this can also cause more scar tissue to form.

    With back injuries specifically, scar tissue can form at the nerve root. While scar tissue doesn’t typically cause any pain directly, it can bind nerve roots together, or throw off the alignment of components of the spine – both of which can cause painful leg, neck or back pain.

    Chiropractic Care for Scar Tissue Relief

    Scar tissue in the body needs to undergo a process of remodeling, or a stretching of the tissue to realign the collagen fibers. Not only does alignment take place, but the scar tissue is strengthened to protect the body more competently.

    The collagen alignment process will help the patient to maximize flexibility and increase mobility. Chiropractors utilize different methods to accomplish this goal non-surgically.

    • Soft tissue manipulation typically involves utilizing a hand-held device to stimulate and stretch damaged tissues. This method can relieve inflammation and pain at the source.
    • Kinesiology therapeutic tape can stretch scar tissue by lifting the skin and decreasing the pressure to the underlying tissue. This will help to alleviate inflammation as well as aid in the remodeling process.
    • Massage therapy may help with remodeling by encouraging weak muscles to regain mobility, strength, and flexibility.

    If you have had a back injury or back surgery and are suffering from lingering pain, call West Coast Wellness today. We can help to determine the cause of your pain and take the proper natural and safe methods to reduce inflammation and scar tissue. No need to learn to live with pain – call us today for an appointment.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • What Is Range of Motion?

    A chiropractic visit is useful for more than just immediate pain relief. When incorporated into your health regimen, chiropractic care emphasizes long-term and sustainable holistic health. Spine alignment and posture health contribute to overall foundational wellness.

    There are some instances when calling a chiropractor is an easy decision. When you are in neck or back pain, you want to feel better as soon as possible. After a car accident, it is smart to check to see if your spine is still in alignment. However, you may not associate chiropractic care to experiencing a problem with your range of motion.

    What is Range of Motion?

    The term “range of motion” is used to measure the flexibility of a patient’s arms, legs, or torso. Not having full range of motion due to pain or injury can affect an individual’s ability to perform everyday tasks and stay balanced.

    When a patient presents with acute or chronic injury – such as a slipped disc or sciatic nerve pain – the chiropractor is likely to suggest range of motion exercises. These exercises help restore mobility, flexibility, and strength, which in turn contribute to overall long-term health and wellness.

    What is Corrective Chiropractic?

    The term corrective chiropractic refers to the incremental restoration of spinal integrity, maintaining balance throughout your system. Through a series of adjustments, the patient’s range of motion is likewise restored. The phases of treatment may include:

    • Correcting spinal imbalance
    • Establishing spinal stability
    • Regaining mobility
    • Reestablishing full range of motion
    • Developing strength
    • Assessing improvement and progress

    Achieving a full range of motion will support overall longterm spinal stability. Because each area of the spine is associated with a particular part of the body, your chiropractor can pinpoint where adjustment is needed based upon the specific problem you are experiencing. So whether you can’t turn your neck to one side, or you cannot lift your arm – a spinal adjustment (or series of spinal adjustments) will alleviate the issue.

    Ongoing chiropractic care is beneficial for continued spinal health after a patient’s range of motion has been restored. To maintain their range of motion, patients can employ strength exercises, stretches, and postural changes. Other lifestyle changes – such as avoiding sitting for long periods- can help a patient to protect and maximize their flexibility and range of motion.   

    Chiropractors understand the relationship between spinal health and proper range of motion. Range of motion issues are often the primary indicators of a problem, allowing the chiropractor to fix spinal misalignment and provide relief.

    If you are experiencing problems with your range of motion, pain in a specific part of your body, or numbness and tingling in extremities – the chances are excellent that your spine needs attention. Instead of taking a daily regimen of OTC pain medication or suffering in silence, call West Coast Wellness today. After diagnosing your problem, we will begin a series of adjustments to restore your spine, alleviate the pain, and get your life back to normal. If you live in the North Port area, we are here to help. Call today for your consultation.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • What Exactly Is a Slipped Disc?

    A slipped disc – otherwise known as a herniated, prolapsed, or ruptured disc – refers to a condition in which an injured or degenerated disc is protruding against nearby nerve tissue. Any disc along the spine can become herniated, and although the lower back is most often the site of such an injury, the neck and middle back can also be affected.

    Some patients do not experience symptoms from a slipped disc, although some do suffer great pain.

    Defining “Discs

    Discs are shock-absorbing protective pads found between the vertebrae in the spine. The term “slipped” is a bit misleading, as in reality, discs bulge, split, or rupture. This condition can cause the failure of nearby cartilage and tissue. The gel from inside the disc leaks into the surrounding tissue, subsequently asserting pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. Weakness, numbness, or pain can appear in the immediate area, or along the path the affected nerve travels.

    Pain which occurs along the nerve is known as referred pain. The pain travels from the bones of the spine to another part of the body, such as an arm or leg.

    What are the Symptoms of Slipped Discs?

    The general symptoms of herniated discs include:

    • Neck or back pain that limits the range of motion or activity
    • Pain, numbness or weakness lasts several days
    • Chest or abdominal pain, fever or bladder issues

    Herniated or slipped disc in the neck: Symptoms include numbness, tingling, weakness, or pain in the shoulder, neck, arm, or hand. The movement of the neck can result in increased or decreased symptoms.

    Herniated or slipped disc in the back: Symptoms include pain which runs down the back of each leg, known as sciatica; numbness, tingling, weakness, or pain in the buttocks, back, legs, or feet; pain with movement, straining or coughing; or difficulty with bowel or bladder function.

    While surgery may be required for severe situations, most slipped or herniated disks can be treated with ice packs, physical therapy, massage, exercise, and chiropractic care.

    What Causes a Herniated Disc?

    The aging process can lead to slipped discs, as degeneration and loss of elasticity is a significant risk factor.

    However, younger people can suffer slipped or herniated discs with the improper lifting of heavy objects, twisting or turning in the wrong way, or with excessive strenuous activities. Sudden acute trauma, such as from a car accident, is considered a low risk for this type of injury.

    Chiropractic Treatment for a Slipped Disc

    If you come to a chiropractor for treatment, this is what you can expect.

    After going through your medical history, a physical and neurological exam is likely. The chiropractor will be looking to see if your reflexes are intact, if these are signs of muscle wasting or loss of muscle strength, and if there is a loss of sensation along the nerve path. Your chiropractor will also evaluate your posture and may order an Xray or MRI for further diagnostic purposes.

    The difference between a chiropractic doctor and other medical professionals is that your DC will examine the entire spine. In other words, even if the pain is in your lower back, the chiropractor will look for signs of trouble from the neck on down. He is looking for overall health (or injury) of the spine, not just treating one small portion of it.

    After examining you, taking your x-rays and symptoms into account, your chiropractor will determine if your slipped disc can be treated with chiropractic care or if additional medical treatment is necessary. Still, most disc injuries are related to slipped or herniated discs, and your chiropractor can help you with treatment and pain management options. If you are in pain or experiencing symptoms of a slipped disc, call West Coast Wellness for an appointment.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • Why Chiropractic Care & Spinal Manipulation Is So Important

    For those who have been injured in a car accident or suffer from chronic pain, the spine is the key to overall health and wellness. While chiropractors have been treating many types of illness and injury naturally and holistically for years, the general public still understands very little about the role of the spine in seemingly unrelated conditions.

    In this blog we will take a look at the anatomy of the spine, in an effort to better understand why chiropractic care and spinal manipulation is so important.

    The spine, also known as the backbone, runs from the pelvis to the base of the skull, and is instrumental in supporting an individual’s body weight, as well as protecting the spinal cord within. The spine does have natural curves which allow for an even distribution of body weight, and give it the ability to withstand significant amounts of stress.

    The spine is made up of a series of discs and bones stacked on top of each other. Discs, made up of very strong tissue and a gel-like interior,  are located in between each bone to reduce friction and act as shock absorbers.

    The spinal cord runs through the spinal column. It is a network of nerve fibers arranged into 31 nerve roots which are responsible for transmitting messages to all parts of the body. Without this network, movement and even organ function is not possible. This is why a spinal injury can cause a host of other issues such as organ failure, sinus issues or headaches.

    Spinal Cord Arrangement

    These bones are divided into three regions:

    Neck: Also known as the cervical region, the neck contains 7 vertebrae, numbered C1 through C7. Vertebrae C1 is located between the base of the skull and the rest of the spine, and together with C2 it allows for the free and pain-free movement of the neck when healthy. A slight curve, bending inward, is located in the area of the cervical spine.

    Thoracic: The thoracic spine is located in the chest region, and is connected to the rib cage. Vertebrae T1 through T12 reside in the thoracic region, which is where the second natural curvature of the spine is located.

    Lumbar: The lumbar legion is your lower back, and contains vertebrae L1 through L5. Lumbar vertebrae are the largest and strongest, as they bear the bulk of the body’s weight. The lumbar spine connects the spinal cord with the pelvis.

    Did You Know? Vertebrae are made up of bones and joints, the latter allowing for movement, stability and strength. Facet joints connect the vertebrae and allow them to move against one another without damage. Without these joints we would not be able to twist, bend over, or move from side to side. In the middle of each single vertebrae is a hole which allows the spinal column and nerves to pass through.

    Other Definitions to Know:

    Sacrum: The sacrum are several vertebrae which fuse together in the womb, forming the bottom of the spine and the back of the pelvis.

    Coccyx: Also known as the tailbone, the coccyx is also formed by the fusion of bones in utero. It is located directly below the sacrum.

    When a vertebrae, joint, disc or nerve bundle is misaligned, proper bodily function is compromised. That is why seeking the expertise of a chiropractor can bring such relief. By gently manipulating the spine to bring it back into alignment, it relieves the pressures,pinches and rubbing of spinal bones and discs which are not meant to touch.

    For more information on how your spine affects your health, and to discuss how we can help get you back to feeling great – call West Coast Wellness today.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • How Spinal Alignment Affects Posture

    You’ve heard it since you were a child – “stand up straight, and don’t slouch!” It turns out that Mom was not only worried about how you presented yourself, but that good posture is really essential to your overall health. Bad posture can cause issues beyond neck and back pain, including breathing and digestive problems.

    Posture refers to the position we hold our body during all of our daily activities – sitting, laying down, standing, and while in motion. Poor posture is often a result of improper spinal alignment, and therefore, is something a chiropractor can help to remedy.

    Misalignment can occur when a patient spends a lot of time in the same position, such as sitting at a desk 50 hours per week. However, it can also occur after a traumatic event such as a car accident. While there are many ways for you to exercise and stretch at home, your chiropractor is an important ally.

    Here are some of the disorders which can be caused by poor posture, which may be alleviated by addressing your posture and spinal alignment.

    Headaches: Cervicogenic headaches originate in the neck, and can travel to the head or face. The pain radiates and can either cause an inability to move the neck or intensify with neck movement. These types of headaches are caused by a forward head posture, which results in undue stress on the joints and muscles in your neck. One of the most common causes of these headaches is extended time in front of a computer. Experts recommend that your monitor be placed at eye level to help alleviate these problems.

    Joint Pain: While poor posture is most often associated with neck and back pain, it can also contribute to pain in other joints such as your hips, knees, or ankles. Because all extremities are connected to the spinal column, imbalances and misalignments can cause strain on these joints even while sitting. Balance chairs or balance cushions can help to alleviate the stress on these joints.

    Arthritis: It only stands to reason that if the stress on the joints is detrimental in the short term, over a period of time it can result in a chronic condition. Poor posture can eventually lead to joint degeneration, arthritis, and other scenarios of limited mobility, which can then morph into ‘fixed’ poor posture – a long term issue.

    Proper posture can help in other surprising ways as well. Patients who have their alignment corrected often report a reduction in stress, an increase in self-esteem, improved sleep patterns, and even fewer digestive issues.

    How Chiropractic Care Helps

    Whatever the cause of your spinal misalignment, be it poor posture or a car accident, chiropractic care offers significant relief.

    Chiropractors utilize spinal and joint manipulation to improve posture and optimize mobility in the joints. While exercise and physical therapy techniques may be able to correct a patient’s posture issues, over time, a chiropractic adjustment may be necessary to realign the spine properly.

    A chiropractor will evaluate your posture and determine where you are having issues. Your chiropractor will likely perform tests on your body alignment, joint mobility, and strength. They will also record and take into account your sleep habits, work habits, and exercise habits. All of these data points will help to pinpoint the source of your problems and more accurately address your pain and discomfort.

    Posture – whether good or bad – affects your daily life in many ways. Ignoring poor posture for too long can cause serious long term health issues.

    If you are experiencing neck, back, or joint issues, call West Coast Wellness to correct the spinal misalignment as soon as possible. Spinal alignment will not only improve your quality of life in the short term, but set you up for better health and wellness down the road.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • 5 Post Accident Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

    Immediately following a car accident, you may not realize that you have been injured. Whether you are in shock or your injury has not manifested yet – symptoms may not appear for hours or even days.

    If you were in a car accident but went home feeling fine, you should still be aware of the common post-car accident conditions that may develop. By associating these symptoms with your accident, you should be able to get the necessary chiropractic care to alleviate your pain.

    While these are not the only possible injuries to keep an eye out for, these issues are often associated with spinal injuries, which can be treated with chiropractic care.


    Some of the most commonly occurring car accident symptoms are headaches, which may show up the next morning or weeks later. These headaches have a variety of possible causes.

    • Tension headaches may be caused by anxiety, frustration, or stress – all of which are often present after a car accident. From dealing with insurance companies to covering expenses, tension headaches are given ample opportunities to appear.
    • A concussion should be checked out by a medical professional. In addition to headaches, a concussion may cause vision problems, nausea, light sensitivity, or mood, and appetite changes.
    • Whiplash may present with similar symptoms as a concussion. A sudden forceful impact can strain the muscles and tendons in your neck, although there are other possible injuries, including ligaments, joints, nerves, and discs. When whiplash appears, the pain can be significant, and make normal mobility impossible. Other symptoms of whiplash include dizziness, fatigue, pain in shoulder or neck, headaches and blurred vision, or muscular soreness and stiffness.

    Neck or Shoulder Pain

    Pain in the neck or shoulders may be caused by tension or anxiety, but can also be the result of nerve or tissue damage, or muscle and joint injuries. Whiplash and concussion may be accompanied by pain in these areas, so be sure to seek care as soon as these symptoms appear.

    Back Pain

    Back injury can show up after a car accident as an achy feeling, muscle tightness, or general discomfort. Unfortunately, it can also be excruciating and debilitating.

    • Shooting pain down the spine or extremities may indicate a pinched nerve
    • Pain in the lower back and radiating down the leg is likely sciatica. Sciatic pain may be a constant ache or a shooting pain.

    Numbness or Tingling Sensation

    Numbness or tingling in your neck, shoulder, back, or any extremities may indicate nerve or tissue damage.

    Changes in Vision or Hearing

    Whether they appear hours later or after several weeks, vision and hearing problems may be associated with your car accident. Double vision, blurred vision, and dizziness could be the result of a concussion, whiplash, or even post-traumatic stress. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) may also be a result of car accident injuries, but most often will need to run its course, as there are few effective treatments for the problems.

    You don’t need to suffer from pain, numbness, tingling sensations, or limited mobility.

    The experienced chiropractic professionals at West Coast Wellness are ready to help you find relief and healing. If you or a family member have been in a car accident and are experiencing any of the above symptoms, call today.

    We can help to alleviate many of the injuries associated with car accidents or point you to a medical doctor if you need additional treatment.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • Your Nervous System & Chiropractic Care

    After a car accident, you may not feel that you have any injuries worth of medical treatment. In fact, you may feel fine at first, with seemingly no adverse effects at all. Unfortunately, your neck or back can begin to cause pain or discomfort weeks or even months later.

    If you are like many people, you may live with nagging symptoms for years, assuming that they aren’t that serious or that treatment won’t help. You may not even associate your specific symptoms with the accident. But when the discomfort begins to interfere with daily life, it is time to do something about it. You’ve likely heard that chiropractic care is the right solution for your neck and back pain, but how exactly does chiropractic work?

    Here is an explanation of how the nervous system works and how chiropractors treat nerve dysfunction, including that which is the result of a car accident.

    Nervous System Explained

    There are three parts to the nervous system.

    The central nervous system is comprised of the brain and spinal cord and is considered to be the primary processing function of the nervous system. The spinal cord transmits information to the brain for processing via multiple pathways, then returns relevant data to the extremities. A simple example of the central nervous system at work is walking. Our brain tells our legs to move, and our legs move accordingly, while keeping your balance. The sensory-motor pathways are vital for completing everyday tasks, even as we are not aware of their activity.

    The peripheral nervous system is made up of a similar “two-way street” system. Information is sent from feet, hands, arms, legs, fingers, and toes to the spinal cord, transmitting information back and forth.

    The autonomic nervous system is in charge of our organ functions, such as breathing, heart rate, and digestion, among others.

    All three systems are in constant communication with one another to keep our body functioning normally. However, many conditions can disrupt that communication, including spinal cord trauma and nerve or brain damage.

    Subluxation Complex

    The “subluxation complex”  describes a compromised nerve transmission, which can be the result of a compressed or irritated nerve. This nerve damage is typically due to an incorrect bone or joint position somewhere along the nerve’s course. Minimizing or eliminating nerve compression will facilitate the restoration of information transmission over the pathways, subsequently restoring function.

    For instance, a patient may be experiencing numbness in their hand and fingers. A chiropractor determines that the patient has a herniated disk in their neck, and by alleviating the pinched nerve, he can relieve the numbness.  Chiropractors may utilize spinal manipulation, mobilization, or exercises to treat the situation. Depending on your provider, they may also employ lasers, electric stimulation, or pulsed magnetic field technologies. These treatments achieve the desired results with minimal side effects or risk to the patient. Because of these benefits, many people choose to try chiropractic before any more invasive forms of treatment.

    At West Coast Wellness, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with us immediately following an accident. By doing so, we can align the spine and avoid the emergence of uncomfortable symptoms at all. However, if you are experiencing any strange numbness, tingling, pain, or loss of mobility, it is not too late to give us a call. We will work with you to naturally heal your body and return your nervous system to peak operating condition.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • The 5 Real Benefits of Chiropractic Care

    A chiropractor will align your spine, relieve stress and pressure, and fix the source of your pain and inflammation rather than mask the symptoms.

    But as you regain strength and health through chiropractic treatments, your body is benefitting in many other ways you may not realize. A properly functioning nervous system is necessary for true holistic health – not only to relieve pain and discomfort but to live your best life. Here are some of the many ways that you can expect your body to react to chiropractic treatment positively.

    Stress Relief

    Ongoing stress results in muscle tension, but chronic stress can do severe damage to your nervous system. A malfunctioning nervous system will significantly affect muscles, causing the body to begin to break down. Mental conditions may even manifest.

    Chiropractic adjustments will restore your body to a balanced state, reduce tension, and encourage relaxation. The enhanced state of relaxation will positively influence the brain and increase your ability to manage stress.

    Restoring Posture

    Sitting incorrectly and for long periods exerts significant pressure on the spine. This pressure will begin to curve or tilt the spine and cause undue stress on the neck. Chiropractic adjustments can restore correct posture and eliminate pain. Interestingly, it does not matter if you are old, young, or anywhere in between. Everyone can benefit from the realignment of the spine to relieve pressure and restore good posture.

    Improved Immune System

    During this COVID-19 crisis, the need to build up individual immunity has been in the spotlight. You may not realize the chiropractic adjustments can actually improve and support your immune system.

    Misaligned vertebrae cause more medical problems than you can even imagine. They block the effective performance of the nervous system, which is essential for relaying messages from the brain to every other part of the body – including immune cells. When the body cannot send information effectively, it begins to malfunction and get sick. A healthy nervous system – by virtue of a properly aligned spine – results in vastly better health overall.

    Better Sleep

    Quality sleep is one of the most critical components of a healthy lifestyle. However, many people suffer from lack of sleep due to stress, insomnia, or too much work. Many of these people also experience serious aches, pains, and sore muscles. While patients can visit a physician for a pharmaceutical solution, the results are fake and temporary. A chiropractor can offer long-lasting solutions, which will result in deep, restful sleep, relieving tense muscles, and putting the body back to right. Once restful sleep is restored, this positively affects all other aspects of life.

    Stay Chemically Balanced

    Our hectic lives can cause our bodies to be out of whack – lack of sleep, poor diet, and excessive stress can wreak havoc on the body’s chemical balance. The body operates most efficiently at a precise balance, and when the balance is upended. The body reacts. People who suffer from chemical imbalances may experience chronic fatigue and mood swings, which can ultimately disrupt one’s life. When the spine is aligned correctly, and the brain and body are effectively communicating, balance is restored across the entire system. This is why people with ADD and depression see significant positive results in chiropractic treatments.

    Clearly, chiropractic treatments offer benefits beyond fixing a sore back. It is not uncommon for a patient who comes in for treatment after a car accident will continue long after the back is realigned – because they feel so healthy and robust in every area of life.

    If you have recently suffered a car accident or are looking for a chiropractor to help with chronic pain and suffering, call West Coast Wellness. We will be happy to discuss your treatment options and further explain the broad range of benefits available to you through chiropractic care.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

    Read more of our blogs.

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If you’re searching for professional assistance and pain relief, you’ve come to the right place. Contact Dr. Barr and the staff at West Coast Wellness today using the form below.