West Coast Wellness

West Coast Wellness Blogs

  • Natural Headache Remedies

    Headaches seem to be a fact of life for most adults. Whether dealing with work stress, too little sleep, bad diets, or troublesome people – there are many triggers for headaches and worse, migraines. Most people turn to over the counter pain treatments to try to stave off the pain, and many find that prescription medications are necessary.

    But these days, many people are searching for homeopathic and natural remedies for all of their ailments, not just headaches. Here are some ideas for how to get pain-free without taking any possibly addictive and harmful drugs – or at least greatly alleviate and relieve your suffering.

    Managing Your Headaches Without Drugs

    Regular headaches cause stiffness in the neck, shoulder and scalp; while migraines typically involve throbbing pain on one side of the head (and can also include auras, nausea or blurred vision). 

    If you are prone to headaches, you can start by avoiding those substances which are most commonly associated with the onset of pain. These include:

    * MSG (monosodium glutamate)
    * Excess alcohol or caffeine
    * aspartame in artificially sweetened food
    * phenylethylamine found in some chocolate and cheese
    * tyramine found in fermented meats and soy

    A drop in blood sugar can trigger a headache, so eating healthy food may help. Dehydration is also a common culprit, so be sure to drink plenty of water.

    Tech Tip: If you start feeling the beginning of a headache, you should avoid your phone, laptop and TV.

    More Tips to Avoid Headaches

    1. Ginger is one of the most common home remedies for headache pain. It reduces inflammation of blood vessels, relieving the pain. Ginger also aids digestion, and can help to alleviate nausea. You can make tea from ginger root, or mix ginger and lemon juice. Finally, you can make ginger paste to apply directly to the forehead. Cloves can also be used to combat a throbbing headache. Crush a few cloves and put them in a cloth or sachet. Breathe deeply until the pain begins to ease. Adding crushed cloves to coconut oil can also make a topical treatment.  
    2. eppermint oil contains menthol, which can help to regulate and open blood vessels which have become clogged and are causing pain.  Peppermint oil can be added to almond oil and used directly on the skin to massage the pain; or peppermint can be used to make herbal tea. Lavender oil is also wonderful for easing the pain of headaches. Inhaling the scent directly can be beneficial, and it can be added to boiling water to make healing steam. Lavender oil should not be ingested, but can be added to olive oil and applied directly to your forehead or temples. Thyme or rosemary essential oils have similar healing properties. 
    3. Cinnamon paste can be applied directly to the forehead and temples as well. Mix cinnamon powder with water, make a paste and rub into your forehead before laying down and resting. Basil leaves can make a strong and potent tea which will help to relax muscles, ease tension and relieve pain. 
    4. Stretching and basic exercise can help to reduce the severity of your headache. Move your chin up, down, left and right, or bend your neck towards either shoulder. Rotate your neck in both directions to relax your shoulder and neck. Yoga exercises can also help to keep your body relaxed and tension free, and deep breathing will also help to relieve the pain. 
    5. Ice packs can be used to combat migraines, and when applied to the back of the neck can reduce inflammation and numb pain. Soaking your feet in hot water can cure a headache, but when the pain is stubborn, add hot mustard powder to the water. 
    6. Apples and apple cider vinegar can help to restore a patient’s acid-alkaline balance. Inhaling the steam of apple cider vinegar boiled in water can do wonders for sinus headaches. Eating an apple sprinkled with salt will help if you woke up with a headache= just be sure to drink some warm water as well.

    Finally, regular chiropractic treatments may be the best natural treatment you can employ to keep headaches at bay. Spinal manipulation will ease pressure, relax muscles, and align the vertebrae – all of which can help to avoid the onset of spinal-related headaches.

    Call West Coast Wellness today to learn more about proactively fighting against headaches and migraines. 

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • Sleeping Position & Chiropractic Health

    It is no secret that many chiropractic complaints are a direct result of being in adverse positions – that is, the way we hold or carry our body during our daily life. Factors such as posture and sleep position can have a long term effect on our overall health, as detrimental positions in these areas can cause spinal issues, headaches, pain in our extremities, and more.

    Musculoskeletal symptoms often appear at night, which is the time set aside by nature for your body to heal. When bad sleep posture causes a reduction in blood flow, compresses tissues or causes inflammation, your sleep is actually hurting, not healing you. Modifying how you sleep can actually help to heal your body, not hinder it. Here are some of the more common issues which can be aggravated by sleeping position, with some expert advice on how to help alleviate the problem.

    How Sleeping Position Aggravates Certain Conditions

    Rotator Cuff Syndrome: Rotator cuffs are muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, which could get  injured by overuse, shoulder injury, or diseases such as arthritis. The patient typically experiences pain in the shoulder joint, especially affecting range of motion. People with rotator cuff syndrome may see their symptoms worsen if they tend to sleep with their arms in an overhead position. In fact, the rotator cuff injury may be caused by sleeping in this manner. Patients should sleep with the affected side up, and place a pillow between the arm and the body to minimize the effect of the impingement.

    Neck Pain: Adverse sleep positions may create or worsen cervical (neck) dysfunction. Neck pain is most commonly associated with shoulder impingement from the side-lying sleeping posture. Pillow height can also cause compression or stretching of the neck structure, causing pain. Thin pillows typically are associated with degenerative conditions caused by excessive extension or flexion of the spine. Thicker pillows can adversely affect disc lesions. Therefore the choice of your pillow can greatly affect your overall health and wellness. You’ll want a pillow that permits the neck to stay in a neutral position; usually a feather or fiberfill variety is best.

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Sleeping in a fetal position can cause the wrist to be in the same position for long periods of time. This prolonged wrist flexion can cause compressive ischemia (lack of proper blood flow) to the median nerve. Cubital tunnel syndrome results in traction ischemia to the ulnar nerve. Sleeping with a night splint can help prevent hyper-flexion of the wrist by reducing nerve compression. Avoid a splint which is too tight, which can cause other compression issues.

    Tennis Elbow:  An acute injury can be aggravated – and healing delayed – when the patient sleeps in the wrong position. For those with tennis elbow, a painful condition of the tendons caused by overuse of the elbow, sleeping with the affected elbow beneath a pillow can cause such aggravation. Instead, keep the affected arm at your side while sleeping, which should reduce lateral elbow pain.

    Gluteal Tendinopathy: Gluteal tendon pain increases with any activity or exercise that involves sustained or repetitive compression, which includes sleeping. Sleeping on one’s side compresses the lateral hip, resulting in poor blood flow and reduced capacity for healing.   Turning over will not alleviate the problem, however, unless you put a pillow under your knee. The best solution is to sleep on one’s back. If that is not possible, try a pillow between the knees, an eggshell mattress topper, or lighter blankets that will not press down on your body.

    Regardless of how the pain originates, no one wants to live with neck, back, gluteal or hip pain. While applying these simple solutions may help, you should also call a chiropractor for further assessment and care. West Coast Wellness is here to help with any pain you may be experiencing, whether from a traumatic car accident, or a bad night’s sleep.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • Additional Benefits of Chiropractic Care You May Not Know

    Chiropractic care is typically sought out when the patient is suffering from neck or back pain, or perhaps whiplash after experiencing a car accident. Because chiropractic treatment is the primary way that many people choose to correct these issues for pain relief, they may not realize that spinal manipulation is also beneficial for a host of other ailments which you may not associate with chiropractors.

    The spine stretches from the base of the skull to the coccyx bone. The spine supports the upper body’s weight and posture; and permits optimal movement and flexibility. Because the spinal cord projects the nerves which are connected to virtually every area of our bodies, you may be surprised at just how effective spinal manipulation can be in treating a wide variety of ailments.

    Cancer Support: The side effects of many cancer treatments can be debilitating and can significantly affect your quality of life.  These issues may include pain, nausea, sleep disorders and insomnia, depression and anxiety. Increasingly, chiropractic  is looked to as one of the most effective alternative medical treatments for these medical side effects.

    Bells Palsy: The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics recently reported the benefits of chiropractic treatments over time for the issues involved with Bell’s Palsy, which include facial paralysis, hearing disorders and problems with the jaw and associated muscles.

    Tinnitus & Hearing Loss:  TMJ, head injuries, or neck injuries are believed to be associated with tinnitus, vertigo and hearing loss. Ligaments, muscles and nerves in the jaw can be manipulated to help ease these conditions.

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Canadian chiropractors have reported anecdotal success in treating IBD, colitis, and other bowel disorders.

    High Blood Pressure: Elevated blood pressure is a chronic and common problem among Americans. Spinal manipulation has been reported successful as a treatment for hypertension, as an alternative to powerful medications.

    Sinusitis: You may not associate sinus issues with chiropractic care, but a study from 2012 found that patients experienced quantitative relief after only one adjustment. This is because typically the sinus passages cannot drain due to nerve-related issues, which spinal manipulation can treat.

    Arthritis: The pain of arthritis torments many older adults, stealing range of motion and quality of life. A study by the University of Virginia Center for the Study of Complementary Alternative Therapies reported that those who frequent a chiropractor care experience better health and less pain than those who do not.

    ADHD: The standard of care for ADHD is psychotropic medications, which are often associated with severe and even possibly fatal side effects. One recent study looked at treating boys (aged 9-13) diagnosed with the syndrome. Spinal manipulation was combined with nutritional supplements and resulted in decreased hyperactivity, inattentiveness, impulsivity, behavioral, social and emotional difficulties.

    Cervicogenic Headaches: Based on recent studies, manual manipulation of the spine can effectively treat migraines and headaches which are often the result of problems in the nerves, bones or muscles in the neck.

    Range of Motion Issues: Rotator cuff injuries can result in serious functional inconvenience, pain and soreness. Chiropractic care, combined with massage and exercise, is proving to increase strength, mobility and pain relief.

    Because the spine is so critical to the overall health and wellness of any human being, it is reasonable and practical to seek natural healing through chiropractic care – no matter your affliction.  Call West Coast Wellness today to learn more about how we can help you to treat and overcome your medical affiliations.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • Causes of Neck and Back Pain

    As chiropractors, we see a lot of people in pain. Many times this neck and back pain is the result of a sudden trauma such as a car accident or slip and fall. However, there are also millions of people who suffer from chronic pain which has built up over months or years – typically caused by mundane daily tasks and bad habits.

    Neck and back pain can be dull or achy, causing only mild inconvenience. But you may also experience acute, severe pain which restricts mobility and affects your quality of life.

    Causes of Neck and Back Pain

    Pain which is a result of an accident is easy to diagnose. The exact origin of most back and neck pain can be difficult to pinpoint, however, and may include one of more of the following: 

    * Overuse or strain, such as heavy lifting or strenuous exercise.
    * Repetitive poor posture, such as sitting at a computer every day
    * Obesity, as increased weight will put pressure on the spine, discs and vertebrae
    * Poor muscle tone, which prevents muscles from holding the spine and vertebrae in  
      proper place
    * Muscle tension, spasms, sprains or strains 
    * Degeneration of vertebrae, often a result of aging
    * Infections or abdominal problems
    * Tears in the muscles or ligaments
    * Arthritis, osteoporosis  and other similar conditions
    * Protruding or slipped disks, or pinched nerves

    What You May Experience

    Pain in your back may be localized, or seem to affect a large portion of your body. In addition to this identifiable pain, you may also experience leg numbness or tingling in proximity to the knee; stiffness along your spine; or sharp pain that radiates from your lower back down the back of  your leg and into your calf and toes.

    Important: If you are suffering from loss of bladder and bowel control, or weakness in both legs simultaneously – please seek help right away. These may indicate a serious medical condition.

    Sharp pain or dull aches in your neck might be accompanied by arm numbness or tingling, headaches, or shoulder pain

    Treating the Pain

    Acute back or neck pain may improve with rest and over the counter medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Individuals should move slowly and carefully while their bodies helm with no rapid or jerking movements which could cause a further loss of mobility. Chronic neck or back pain may be successfully treated with a variety of methods.

    A chiropractic regimen is considered to be an effective way to ease many types of neck and back pain, as it addresses the source of the problem – not the symptom. If spinal alignment or slipped disks are causing the issues, adjustments are likely to not only stop your immediate pain, but prevent it from recurring.

    It is always recommended that you visit a chiropractor or medical professional before you embark on any treatment plan, as you could do more harm than good if there is a serious problem. In addition to adjustments and alignments, the following may work for your pain:

    *  Hot or cold packs
    *  Exercises to strengthen muscles and alleviate pain (ie  stretching/ flexing of muscles). *  Aerobic exercise to help with overall fitness and strength
    * Braces or corsets
    * Acupuncture

    Preventing Pain from Everyday Activities

    Keeping the pain from occurring at all is the most preferable course of action. To proactively protect your neck and back:

    * Learn proper lifting techniques: avoid heavy lifting; bend your legs, maintain a straight back; slowly lift your body and the object.

    * Be aware of posture when sitting, standing, or lying down. Consider specialized head or body pillows to help ease pressure on the spine while sleeping.

    * Exercise regularly, incorporating strength exercises for your back. Strong back muscles help to support your spine. Exercises which strengthen the core and improve balance are also important.

    * Establish ergonomic designs for your computer height, keyboard, chair and phone usage.

    * Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Maintain a healthy weight, minimize emotional stress, quit smoking, and incorporate Vitamin D and calcium in particular into your diet.

    For more information on how you can relieve neck and back pain – or avoid it entirely – call West Coast Wellness. We are committed to your holistic health and overall wellness, proving natural and safe solutions.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • Treating Cervicogenic Headaches

    Headaches may be caused by stress, eyestrain, fatigue, or trauma – but whatever the cause, they are miserable to have to live with. Sometimes, however, the answer to stopping a headache in its tracks is isolating what is actually causing the pain. However, cervicogenic headaches are caused by an entirely different set of problems, dealing with the nerves, bones, or muscles in your neck. Although the pain shows up in your head, the source of your pain is not there at all, but is instead “referred pain” from another part of the body.

    Cervicogenic headaches are rooted in the cervical spine, neck, or base of the skull. Because they often feel like migraines, they can often be misdiagnosed. But a migraine originates in the brain, and is an entirely different ailment. Knowing which is which can allow you to more successfully alleviate the pain.

    Symptoms of a Cervicogenic Headache

    Because cervicogenic headaches (CH) originate in the neck, they often occur when you move your neck too quickly, or if your neck has been in the same position for a long time, such as after a long drive. CH pain may manifest as a pain in the side of your head or face, a steady pain which does not throb, increased pain when you cough or sneeze, pain lasting for days, or a stiff neck with limited range of motion. You may also experience pain that remains and reoccurs in one spot, like over the same eye.

    You may also feel similar symptoms to classic migraines, such as nausea, sensitivity to bright light or sounds, or blurry vision.

    What Causes a CH Headache?

    There is no one cause for CH. you may experience these types of headaches if you have problems with

    • Neck vertebrae
    • Neck joints
    • Neck muscles
    • Compressed nerves

    CH can afflict people who have certain jobs, such as hairstylists or truck drivers; and is a direct result of how people hold their heads. come from problems with the bones in your neck (vertebrae), joints, or neck muscles that happen over time. For example, people in certain jobs, like hair stylists, carpenters, and truck drivers, can get CH from the way they hold their heads when they work.

    Sometimes people hold their heads out in front of their bodies in a forward head motion which puts extra weight on your neck and upper back. CH can also be a result of a fall, sports injury, arthritis, or whiplash due to a car accident.

    In extreme circumstances, these types of headaches can be caused by a small break in the spine, or even a tumor.

    It may be difficult for an individual to self-diagnose a cervicogenic headache, and it is typically best to consult with a chiropractor for advice. He or she will need to know if:

    • The headache tends to gets worse as it goes along
    • You suffer a fever or rash along with the pain
    • You have been in an accident or hit your head recently

    The above may indicate that you have a more serious health problem which requires different treatment.  You should seek emergency medical care if severe headache pain comes on rapidly and is accompanied by dizziness.

    If it is determined that you do have CH, there are several ways you can alleviate or eliminate the pain completely.

    • Although no longer considered the best option for anything but temporary relief, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (aspirin or ibuprofen), muscle relaxers, or other pain relievers may give rapid relief.
    • Stretches and exercises can help to alleviate the pain in your neck. Be sure to check with your chiropractor as to exercises which may be safe and appropriate for you.
    • Spinal manipulation to realign the nerves, bones and muscles in your neck.

    If you are suffering from headaches, don’t keep suffering or taking endless OTC medications. Call West Coast Wellness and come in for a consultation to discuss how we can help ease your pain.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • How Car Accident Injuries Respond to Chiropractic Care

    Car accidents happen on a daily basis. In fact, according to statistics, there are approximately 1,000 car accidents in Florida every day – and 165,000 of those accidents result in injuries annually. No one leaves their home planning on being injured, and the very nature of car accidents can be traumatic. No matter if you are an office worker, a mom, or a star athlete, car accident injuries can happen to you.

    So if you are suddenly facing pain, discomfort or lack of mobility due to a car accident what should you do?

    Injuries after a car accident can run from very mild to life changing. Often, those who have experienced a car accident don’t realize that they are injured for several days or even weeks. But these creeping injuries, the ones that are not evident immediately, can cause some of the most long term damage. This is where chiropractic care can become so relevant and important to the accident victim’s long-term health.

    Chronic injuries that react well to chiropractic care typically arise from work-related accidents, sports injuries or car accidents.

    Work injuries cover a broad spectrum of acute and chronic conditions, but the two utmost common are back issues caused by excessive sitting and carpal tunnel syndrome. Both of these injuries respond well to chiropractic treatment. Even small sports injuries like sprains or strains can become nagging problems that affect performance. Chiropractors can intervene early to address swelling and pain.

    When it comes to auto accidents, the main culprit of pain and suffering is often whiplash, which occurs when the patient’s head “whips” forward and backward rapidly due to sudden jarring or an unexpected stop.  This soft tissue injury and other spinal injuries caused by car accidents react well to spinal manipulation and alignment techniques. Once injured, those living with these types of ailments can easily aggravate them simply by participating in normal daily life – such as improper lifting, poor posture, stress, and even the force of gravity over the course of a lifetime. The damaged discs, strained muscles and effect on the curve of your spine can all be restored with chiropractic care.

    The reason why chiropractic care is so effective for these injuries is that it addresses the underlying cause of your pain, which could manifest as headaches, arm or leg pain, or any number of aches and pains throughout your body. Instead of treating the symptom – the specific pain – a chiropractor treated the cause of that symptom, which is typically a problem along the spinal column. By utilizing low stress, restorative techniques, the body is given the capability to heal itself, grow stronger and return to its original state. All of this can often take place without having to undergo major surgery or taking your chances with dangerous prescription medications.

    If you experienced a car accident recently, call to set up a chiropractic appointment even if you do not feel pain at the moment. A thorough check of your spine will allow the doctor to determine if you have suffered an injury which could worsen over time. If you are already suffering and need relief, don’t waste anymore time. Call West Coast Wellness and let us show you how well your body can respond to natural and effective chiropractic care.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • Top 5 Proven Benefits of Chiropractic

    Chiropractic treatment has been around for over 100 years. Like most medical disciplines, it has undergone a lot of changes in both practice and perception. While many think of chiropractic as a newer treatment option over the last several decades, it has actually been delivering relief and whole body wellness for much longer.

    In fact, the benefits of chiropractic care are well documented and researched. If you are wondering about if chiropractic really works, here is a list of the 5 most researched – and proven – aspects of visiting a chiropractor for your healthcare.

    Reducing Pain

    Few things have more of an immediate effect than the minimization of pain. While pain can stop us in our tracks and make normal life impossible, the elimination of that pain puts us back up on top of the world. Living your best life does not include pain! Many research studies over the years have proven chiropractic care to be one of the safest and most effective treatments you can seek out for your neck, back and extremities. 

    Increasing Sports Performance

    Every major sports team, from the NFL to MLB, NHL and NBA have a chiropractor on staff for their athletes. Surely this wouldn’t be the case if chiropractors were not instrumental in keeping athletes operating at their peak. No one can play at 100% in pain, so this type of treatment is advantageous to keep the athletes pain-free. But chiropractic care also aligns the spine, alleviates pressure points, and helps to prevent future injuries, a prospect all owners of sports teams are highly interested in. Chiropractors work on achieving peak flexibility, range of motion, and biomechanics, with an emphasis on the specific sports they are playing

    Reducing Headaches

    Anyone who has suffered with chronic headaches or migraines understands just how debilitating they can be. However, researchers have found that regular care from a chiropractor can reduce not only the intensity of headaches, but the frequency of their occurrence. Tension headaches in particular often manifest neck, muscle and facial pain which can be alleviated with this type of treatment. 

    Increasing Quality of Life

    You were designed to move and enjoy life! Having a medical condition which hinders your range of motion or mobility takes a serious toll on your ability to live life to the fullest. In medical terms, quality of life is called “functional ability”, and it refers to being able to do everything you want to do – from housework to mountain climbing – without pain and discomfort. Chiropractic care is one of the best ways to return your body as close as possible to its optimum functional ability, as it addresses total body wellness and not just one single part of the body .

    Reducing the Need for Medication

    We have discussed the absolutely devastating effects the opioid crisis has had on America. But narcotics and painkillers of all types have been wreaking havoc on people’s lives for years, whether through addiction or powerful side effects which disrupt every day. Hundreds of people die daily from opioid abuse, and many of these people were prescribed the drug legally through their medical practitioner. The patient generally needs more relief as the treatment drags on, not less. But there is good news and a better way. Researchers have discovered that people who are under chiropractic care are 49% less likely to need pain medication. This statistic alone makes chiropractic care a powerful alternative to “traditional” medical treatment.

    Overall, chiropractic care is not only safe and effective, but it has the research to back it up. If you are suffering from neck or back pain, whether from a car accident or chronic condition – call West Coast Wellness today for your initial consultation. We can’t wait to prove just how well your body will respond to chiropractic care. 

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • 3 Things You May Not Know About Chiropractors

    When you consider seeing a chiropractor for the first time, a few things may come to mind. You may envision a doctor who cracks your back, aligns your spine, and sends you on your way. But you may not realize that a professional chiropractic firm provides a much more intensive service than that. The goal of chiropractic care is to promote full-body wellness, ensuring that patients stay as healthy as possible.

    While there are still circumstances that a traditional medical doctor should be seen, chiropractic care can revolutionize your healthcare to ensure your total body health through holistic and natural methods. New patients typically have many questions about the exact benefits of chiropractic treatment.

    Here are just a few of the more common questions we hear, presented to help educate our potential patients on how our services may enhance their lives.

    Chiropractic Care is Safe for Every Age

    The majority of people don’t realize that chiropractic care is safe for every age. From babies to the elderly, everyone can benefit from chiropractic treatment. While you may think that babies may be too delicate for this type of care, rest assured that the techniques used on adults are entirely different from those used on babies.

    However, the beneficial results are the same. Because a baby’s spine and nervous system work in the same way, many of a young child’s ailments can be cured and relieved through spinal manipulation, adjustment, and even massage.

    Chiropractors Restore Range of Motion While Reducing Scar Tissue

    Range of motion issues are a common reason for someone to seek treatment. However, did you know that while restoring the range of motion, you can also reduce scar tissue, ensuring pain doesn’t return to that area? Chiropractors work to break up that scar tissue much faster than can be accomplished with other forms of therapy.

    Depending on the injury, range of motion and flexibility cannot be fully restored without breaking up scar tissue. Chiropractors typically have five techniques to break up the scar tissue. They will consult with you to determine the best method to treat your injury and help to design a custom treatment plan.

    Chiropractors Prevent Chronic Conditions from Occurring

    Remember, chiropractors strive for complete health and wellness. When the body is in aligned and well-taken care of, it is easier for it to fight off diseases and ailments from occurring. Common conditions such as allergies, asthma, anxiety, and even obesity can all be treated with chiropractic care. Since chiropractors don’t use medications to treat these diseases, they find holistic ways to help you control your diseases. The goal is to treat the nervous system and get it in alignment so that your immune system can properly moderate everything else.

    A common fear is that once you start chiropractic treatment, you must have frequent visits to maintain your balance. While you will have frequent visits in the beginning, once you achieve your initial goals, you will transition to a maintenance plan, much like you do with your six-month dental cleanings.

    As you can see, chiropractors do a lot more than treat back and neck issues. While those are still the most common reasons for new patients to begin their treatment, that is often just the beginning of their path to wellness. Whether you are calling West Coast Wellness to seek treatment after a car accident or simply want to find a more holistic way to take control of your health – we are here to help.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • After An Accident – How Rehab & Chiropractors Work Together

    A car accident is a sudden and often traumatic event that can cause physical injuries that require rehabilitation. Treatments considered conventional in the physical recovery process after a car accident include physical or occupational therapy, massage, and chiropractic care.

    Rehabilitation after a car accident is optimized when all parts of the body work in conjunction with one another. The goals of any treatment options in this situation should include gaining strength, achieving full range of motion, and enjoying proper alignment while reducing pain.

    Getting into a car accident is one of the main reasons people seek the care of a chiropractor. After a car accident, promoting proper and expeditious healing is of the utmost importance. For this to happen, both the muscles and the bones need to be cared for in tandem. Chiropractic treatment and spinal manipulation can be beneficial in the healing and recovery process after such an event.

    When an individual is in a car accident, the force of the impact can cause the body to become misaligned. While accident victims may have an immediate injury, this misalignment can lead to related injuries down the road, including severe pain and limited range of motion. Patients should seek out prompt and thorough chiropractic care through the course of recovery and beyond. This is essential for two reasons – it helps the patient get back to feeling normal after the accident, and maintains a healthy and fully functioning musculoskeletal system for the long term. 

    Medical Treatment Options After an Accident

    After a car accident, your rehabilitation may include physical or occupational therapy, massage, and chiropractic care.

    Physical therapy works to strengthen and retrain the muscles of the body that have been affected. This type of treatment can improve movement and range of motion after an acute injury.  The goal of chiropractic care goes hand in hand with traditional rehab. Chiropractic methods also improve mobility and range of motion, while also encouraging proper alignment and reducing pain.

    Did You Know? While rehabilitation often concentrates solely on the affected body part, chiropractic strives to heal all of the body’s systems holistically.

    Chiropractic care not only addresses the acute problems after a car accident but also prevents more serious long-term damage. Chronic pain, limited range of motion, and migraines are all examples of long-term damage that can occur without ongoing chiropractic care. After an acute injury, there is a myriad of benefits to maintaining routine chiropractic care to help keep your body in alignment and reduce pain. These benefits include: improving joint mobility, improving nerve function, decreasing inflammation, improving cognitive ability, preventing injuries, improving posture, and improving physical functioning.

    What is massage therapy? Massage therapy also helps to aid in the healing process, along with physical therapy and chiropractic. It promotes healing, reduces inflammation and pain, and works to loosen up tight muscles. Relieving muscle tension and soreness helps aid in the realignment work that a chiropractor does.

    When striving towards optimal healing, chiropractic treatment plays an essential role in treating the musculoskeletal system as a whole, both muscles, and bones. Therefore, it works as an integral component of any therapy following a traumatic accident.

    The medical professionals at West Coast Wellness specialize in providing car accident victims with exceptional care. If you have suffered pain or injury from a car accident, don’t endure the discomfort a day longer. Call us today for an appointment.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

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  • The Most Common Causes of Neck & Back Pain

    As chiropractors, we see a lot of people in pain. Many times this neck and back pain is the result of a sudden trauma such as a car accident or slip and fall. However, there are also millions of people who suffer from chronic pain which has built up over months or years – typically caused by mundane daily tasks and bad habits.

    Neck and back pain can be dull or achy, causing only mild inconvenience. But you may also experience acute, severe pain which restricts mobility and affects your quality of life.

    Causes of Neck and Back Pain

    Pain which is a result of an accident is easy to diagnose. The exact origin of most back and neck pain can be difficult to pinpoint, however, and may include one of more of the following:

    * Overuse or strain, such as heavy lifting or strenuous exercise.
    * Repetitive poor posture, such as sitting at a computer every day
    * Obesity, as increased weight will put pressure on the spine, discs and vertebrae
    * Poor muscle tone, which prevents muscles from holding the spine and vertebrae in
    * Muscle tension, spasms, sprains or strains
    * Degeneration of vertebrae, often a result of aging
    * Infections or abdominal problems
    * Tears in the muscles or ligaments
    * Arthritis, osteoporosis  and other similar conditions
    * Protruding or slipped disks, or pinched nerves

    What You May Experience

    Pain in your back may be localized, or seem to affect a large portion of your body. In addition to this identifiable pain, you may also experience leg numbness or tingling in proximity to the knee; stiffness along your spine; or sharp pain that radiates from your lower back down the back of your leg and into your calf and toes.

    Important: If you are suffering from loss of bladder and bowel control, or weakness in both legs simultaneously – please seek help right away. These may indicate a serious medical condition. Sharp pain or dull aches in your neck might be accompanied by arm numbness or tingling, headaches, or shoulder pain

    Treating the Pain

    Acute back or neck pain may improve with rest and over the counter medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Individuals should move slowly and carefully while their bodies helm with no rapid or jerking movements which could cause a further loss of mobility. Chronic neck or back pain may be successfully treated with a variety of methods.

    A chiropractic regimen is considered to be an effective way to ease many types of neck and back pain, as it addresses the source of the problem – not the symptom. If spinal alignment or slipped disks are causing the issues, adjustments are likely to not only stop your immediate pain, but prevent it from recurring.

    It is always recommended that you visit a chiropractor or medical professional before you embark on any treatment plan, as you could do more harm than good if there is a serious problem. In addition to adjustments and alignments, the following may work for your pain:

    * Hot or cold packs
    * Exercises to strengthen muscles and alleviate pain (ie  stretching/ flexing of muscles). *  Aerobic exercise to help with overall fitness and strength
    * Braces or corsets
    * Acupuncture

    Preventing Pain from Everyday Activities

    Keeping the pain from occurring at all is the most preferable course of action. To proactively protect your neck and back:

    * Learn proper lifting techniques: avoid heavy lifting; bend your legs, maintain a straight back; slowly lift your body and the object.

    * Be aware of posture when sitting, standing, or lying down. Consider specialized head or body pillows to help ease pressure on the spine while sleeping.

    * Exercise regularly, incorporating strength exercises for your back. Strong back muscles help to support your spine. Exercises which strengthen the core and improve balance are also important.

    * Establish ergonomic designs for your computer height, keyboard, chair and phone usage.

    * Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Maintain a healthy weight, minimize emotional stress, quit smoking, and incorporate Vitamin D and calcium in particular into your diet.

    For more information on how you can relieve neck and back pain – or avoid it entirely – call West Coast Wellness. We are committed to your holistic health and overall wellness, proving natural and safe solutions.

    Welcome to West Coast Wellness we offer services such as Auto Injury, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Whiplash, Pinched Nerve, Ringing in Ears, Why Chiropractic Care?, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Spinal Disc Restoration, Electromedicine, Herniated Disc Treatment, Degenerative Disc Disease

    Read more of our blogs.

How Can We Help?

If you’re searching for professional assistance and pain relief, you’ve come to the right place. Contact Dr. Barr and the staff at West Coast Wellness today using the form below.